some cleaning maybe?

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Moderator: webmaster

Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 16 Apr 2021 12:40

some cleaning maybe?

Beitrag von GraviTraxRein »

I tried to spit through all the posts....
But a lot of them, if I understand them correctly, are about 'nothing'. For instance from Fritz who left this Forum.
Is it an idea to remove them, over make a special sub for it called 'archive'.
I'm a real fan of Gravitrax.
I build complex tracks of 6 groundplates
I'm active on
I would like to work together. This Forum seems to offer things that are not on Reddit and visa versa
Site Admin
Beiträge: 258
Registriert: 03 Jan 2021 21:11

Re: some cleaning maybe?

Beitrag von webmaster »

Do you observe / control our community?
The good thing is that i have to decide overall :-)
But thanks for your comments....